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Orbit Blog

Gravity is the key to community growth

May 6, 2021

This week we’re diving into how gravity drives growth, and how this mindset is critical when it comes to building your community.

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Say Hi! Our New Discord Integration Just Landed

May 4, 2021

Automatically add Discord members and activity to Orbit and explore Discord data in reports

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Let’s build some community flywheels

April 29, 2021

Join Rosie on a community flywheel creation journey.

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How to Add DEV Comments to Your Orbit Workspace With Ruby

April 27, 2021

A step by step guide to bringing DEV blog post comments into your Orbit workspace with the Orbit API and Ruby

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Building a Component Library in Rails With Storybook

April 26, 2021

A step by step guide to deploying a component library with Storybook for a Rails app

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Giving is the 💜 of community building: here's how to use boundaries to do it well

April 22, 2021

At the heart of community building we need to have the freedom and power to give.

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It was never just a Slack: How Charlie Ward built Weekend Club

April 21, 2021

A summary from our Community Built audio discussion.

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My Surprising Journey To Working At Orbit

April 19, 2021

My unusual path to working as a developer advocate at Orbit and what it reveals about Orbit as a company

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Using Twitter questions to build a parallel community

April 14, 2021

A practical guide on using Twitter questions to build a better community.

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How to Add Docs Feedback to Your Orbit Workspace With Ruby On Rails

April 12, 2021

A step by step guide to bringing user feedback on your docs into your Orbit workspace with the Orbit API and Ruby on Rails

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Community Built: Real down to earth and practical conversations with community builders

April 8, 2021

We're starting by having a conversation with Charlie Ward of Weekend Club.

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March Product Updates from Orbit

March 19, 2021

We're kicking off Spring in style with a fresh new look, CSV imports, updated reports, and more.

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Forecasting 500 GitHub stars

March 12, 2021

A scientific wild guess to making predictions of the future.

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A tactical guide to kickstarting your community

March 9, 2021

An inside look at how we built the Orbit community from zero to one.

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From Cybercafe to Rocketship: My First Month at Orbit

February 26, 2021

The story of how I joined Orbit and my onboarding

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Migrating Our Community from Slack to Discord: Tips & Lessons Learned

February 11, 2021

A how-to guide with a timeline, lessons learned, and examples

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How to Test Code Shared by Controllers and Helpers in Rails

February 4, 2021

Using view_context to test a method's presence in controllers and helpers in Rails

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Creating Orbit Activities For New ConvertKit Newsletter Subscriptions

February 1, 2021

Using ConvertKit, the Orbit API, and Zapier to create a powerful integration

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Pinned Activities

January 21, 2021

Pin any activity on a member’s profile to surface important activities at a glance.

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My data-centric approach to tracking investor relationships

January 12, 2021

How I use Orbit to as a personal CRM to keep track of what matters

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Setting up Rails 6 and PostgreSQL on Windows using WSL and Ubuntu

January 11, 2021

How to set up Rails 6 and PostgreSQL on Windows Using the Windows Subsystem for Linux and Ubuntu

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Declaring multiple sets of scopes for the same provider with Devise and OmniAuth in Rails

January 6, 2021

How to configure Devise and OmniAuth to offer two scopes of authentication to the same service

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Rails test suite benchmark: Apple Silicon M1 vs. Intel Macbook Pro

January 3, 2021

I compared the performance of our Rails test suite on a 16" Macbook Pro, Intel Mac Mini, and new Apple M1 Mac Mini.

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Welcome to our podcast: Developer Love

December 15, 2020

How do you build thriving developer communities? That’s the core question behind our podcast: Developer Love.

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Visualize Orbit Levels with JavaScript and p5.js

November 30, 2020

A fluid, open-source solar system visualization for your Orbit community using p5.js

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Introducing Orbit's new Discourse integration

November 12, 2020

Automatically add your Discourse community members to Orbit, and see them alongside folks from GitHub, Twitter, and integrations built with the Orbit API.

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Towards a Lightweight Jamstack

November 9, 2020

For it to be fast, Jamstack needs to be lightweight.

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State of the Orbit Model - Fall 2020

October 9, 2020

An overview of recent community-driven changes to the Orbit Model.

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What a Michelin star chef taught me about community building

August 10, 2020

A chef, a farmer, and the results of perennial attention to detail.

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How to: add Twitter and Instagram Embeds on an Eleventy website using Sanity

July 13, 2020

In this post, we will walk through the Sanity setup and the Eleventy configuration that makes Twitter and Instagram embeds possible and really simple to use for editors

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Open Sourcing our Chrome Extension

July 6, 2020

The Orbit Chrome extension adds useful developer information right into GitHub issues and PRs. It’s now Open Source!

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Love is the currency that drives community

July 1, 2020

A community member weighs-in on love, care, trust, and the Orbit Model.

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How we use Orbit to build Orbit

June 30, 2020

A guide to how we use our product to build our community.

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June Product Updates from Orbit

June 25, 2020

Including a new Twitter integration, powerful reporting, API integrations, and more.

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Black Lives Matter

June 5, 2020

From George Floyd to Ahmaud Arbery to Breonna Taylor to Adama Traoré and the untold victims silenced and covered up by systemic corruption, we weep.

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Slack vs Discord vs Discourse: The best tool for your community

May 26, 2020

An in-depth comparison of 3 top community platforms across dozens of factors.

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Use this segmentation grid to plan your community outreach

May 7, 2020

How to use Love and Reach to better understand your community.

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What’s Your Community’s NRG?

April 24, 2020

A new SaaS metric for demonstrating the ROI of community.

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The Art of Gathering Online

April 17, 2020

Quotes & questions for rethinking online events.

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International Developer Relations Day 2020 has been cancelled

March 31, 2020

The annual April 1 event to celebrate the world's DevRel professionals has unfortunately been called off.

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Empathy at Scale

March 30, 2020

How community leaders can build trust in times of crisis.

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Introducing the Orbit Model Airtable Template

March 18, 2020

Measure the Love and Reach of your community and visualize the results.

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Listen in as we go under the hood of the Orbit Model

March 12, 2020

Hear Orbit CTO Josh Dzielak introduce the Orbit Model on the "Under the Hood of Developer Marketing" podcast.

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Download these Orbit Model icons for your Slack workspace

February 26, 2020

Join us in orbit with these spacey custom emoji for your Slack.

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How to use Slack and Airtable to easily collect swag information

February 18, 2020

Star a message in your community Slack to kick off a flow that collects swag info from a helpful developer.

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How to get a Slack notification when someone stars your GitHub repository

February 12, 2020

Gain more visibility into your community with our 5-step Zapier guide.

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What I learned raising money as a first-time founder

February 11, 2020

Even though I can’t fully prepare you for what’s coming, I hope my experiences will shed some light on parts of the process I found surprising and provide some useful context along the way.

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When and How to Offer 1:1 Onboarding to Developers

January 30, 2020

With the right developer, 1:1 onboarding can increase product and community activation, resulting in happy and successful developers and a more vibrant community.

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How Facetime Can Improve Developer Onboarding

January 24, 2020

Why a hands-on approach to activating developers actually makes sense.

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Our guide to using DEV for DEVeloper relations

January 14, 2020

Learn how to create a presence for your DevRel team on the welcoming, fast-growing DEV community site.

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Laying the Groundwork for a Successful Developer Relations Hire

January 9, 2020

Two steps to increase your chances of a successful hire and reduce the likelihood of burnout.

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Collaborating with Developer Relations: a Three-part Series

December 19, 2019

How DevRel can partner with Marketing, Sales, and Product teams for maximum effect.

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DevRelCon London 2019: Tweets, photos, and congrats

December 18, 2019

A roundup of tweets and slides from DevRelCon London 2019, plus a special congratulations.

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Introducing Orbit

November 18, 2019

Orbit helps companies drive adoption by understanding and growing their developer communities.

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Why Orbit is Better Than Funnel for Developer Relations

June 6, 2019

DevRel teams need tools and models created specifically for our discipline, and not just those adopted from other fields.

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World Celebrates International Developer Relations Day

March 31, 2019

Today the world recognizes developer advocates, evangelists and everybody else on the “DevRel” team.

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Orbit is a registered trademark of Orbit Labs, Inc.

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