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Our guide to using DEV for DEVeloper relations

Learn how to create a presence for your DevRel team on the welcoming, fast-growing DEV community site.

Josh Dzielak

January 14, 2020

Did you know the DEV Community won an award in 2019 for Most Welcoming Community? I'd say the judges made a most welcome choice 😉 👍🏆

Woman holding trophy with confetti falling

The DEV community has quickly become one of my favorite places to hang out for discussions about programming and life as a developer. Want technology explained in a simple way? Don't miss the #explainlikeimfive tag.

DEV is also a very useful platform for expanding your online developer relations presence. DEV has many thousands of developers who are interested in learning new technologies and a very capable publishing platform with built-in distribution.

Check out my step-by-step guide to get your team up and running:

How to use DEV for DEVeloper relations

I'd love to hear from you if you find the guide useful or have something to add to it, just add a reply to the post on DEV. You can also follow Orbit on DEV.

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