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Orbit 💜 Developers

Libraries, integrations, and guides that are community driven from the community experience platform.

Build Together

Everything you need to build with Orbit

Getting Started

Learn how to create your Orbit Workspace, and begin creating members and activities on the platform

  • Accounts
    Create your Orbit account and get your API key to start building
  • Members
    Read an overview of the attributes of a member in an Orbit workspace
  • Activities
    Explore activity creation in an Orbit workspace
  • GitHub Integration
    Instructions for integrating your GitHub community data into Orbit

Orbit API

View the Orbit API reference guide, create custom snippets and discover key API concepts

Join the Beta Program

Get early access to beta features and become a part of the community offering product feedback and improvements

Community Built

Explore and utilize open-source tooling built by members of the Orbit developer community

Join the Community

Connect with the Orbit developer community for collaboration, support, ideas and inspiration

Orbit on GitHub

Explore Orbit's open-source resources on GitHub

  • Orbit Model
    The conceptual framework that powers the Orbit platform
  • Orbit Chrome Extension
    See Orbit member information right on GitHub with this extension
  • Orbit Website
    This website is open source, and you can view and contribute to the code on GitHub

Orbit is a registered trademark of Orbit Labs, Inc.

Talk to Team Orbit.

We can't wait to learn more about your company and community. Just complete this form and we'll be in touch soon.
